Andrew McCall, GP and Primary Care Out of Hours Service Manager


Andrew, tell us a bit about your background and career to date
Prior to starting my current role in the NHS, I worked within the charity sector in senior leadership roles with the responsibility to design, review and deliver high quality services that enabled people to change and transform their lives and live life to the full. This included working with and supporting people with a wide range of experiences including homelessness, addictions and recovery and learning disabilities.

Describe your role and a typical day?
As the Out of Hours Service Manager, I work alongside a highly skilled and experienced Clinical Lead and Lead ANP to lead and support an amazing multidisciplinary team that includes drivers, call handlers, rota coordinators, Healthcare Support Workers, Advanced Nurse Practitioners and GPs to provide the GP and Primary Care Out of Hours Service across Forth Valley.  The Service provides care and treatment to over 5000 patients each month and there is no ‘typical’ day as each day brings and presents something new, which is one of the exciting parts of the role. However, normally we would review the Out of Hours rota to ensure we have the right number of staff and resources to provide the best patient care possible, discuss budget management and prepare for any upcoming meetings or committees. We also constantly exploring how we can further improve the service and improve the experience of local patients and staff.

What do you find most interesting about your job?
The fact that every day is different and having the honour and privilege to work with an amazing team of people who provide person centred healthcare that local patients value.

What’s your best quality?
Approach every situation as a learning opportunity.

What’s your earliest memory?
Family holidays in Devon.

Most treasured possessions?
Four amazing Grandchildren
Life Application Study Bible
My Grandad’s dog tags from his service in World War 2

Best piece of advice you have ever been given?
Asking for help is always a strength, never a weakness so never be afraid of and accepting support.

Tell us one thing colleagues might not know about you?
I have been a blood donor for 20 years with over 50 donations and counting.

Dream holiday?

Do you have a secret ambition?
To be an astronaut.