One Stop Service for Frail Elderly


One of the last duties undertaken by Public Health Director Dr Anne Maree Wallace, before she retired, was to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the British Red Cross. Although not a contractual agreement, the document promises a wide range of assistance including transporting health professionals through severe weather so they can reach patients.

Dr Wallace said: “I am delighted to sign the Memorandum of Understanding. The British Red Cross play a vital role in any incident and emergency and we were very grateful for the help they gave us during two severe winters when they used four by four vehicles to take community nurses to patients in rural areas. We cannot thank them enough.”

David Miller, Operations Director East of Scotland British Red Cross added: “We welcome very much working in partnership with NHS Forth Valley enabling us to provide vital support to people in the community in times of need such as severe weather or other emergencies. We share very similar aims in trying to get the best level of care for people across the area.”

In addition to practical assistance, the British Red Cross can also offer emotional support in Forth Valley hospitals and health centres. Other areas of help include providing mobility aids, clothing and hygiene packs, support to other organisations in the distribution of refreshments, multi lingual phrase books and help with restoring family links through tracing and message services

Pictured after the signing are NHS Forth Valley’s Director of Public Health Dr Anne Maree Wallace and David Miller, Operations Director East of Scotland British Red Cross.