Everyone Matters


Dear Colleagues

Over the past 18 months we have been working hard to make sure that as many of you as possible are aware of Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision. Launched by the Scottish Government the plan follows a Scotland-wide conversation with more than 10,000 staff and stakeholders, and focuses on the things which staff said needed to change and be done better. It is committed to valuing the workforce and treating people well.

Here in NHS Forth Valley we picked up pace immediately in terms of how we engage with staff and involve you in decision making. Many of you participated either in person or by completing online/paper surveys sharing your views on what the 2020 Workplace Vision for Forth Valley should look like. You told us what needed to be worked on now to make sure we have the workforce we need to deliver the Vision.

This is our chance to say a huge thank you to all those members of staff who have contributed so far. We thought it would be a good time to bring together some of the key projects people have been working on and share them in this special four-page supplement so all staff will be able to get a sense of what has been happening and what else you have been telling us about.

We saw the launch of the new Staff Governance Standard in June 2012 which we shared with you. We informed you of the results of the 2013 National Staff Survey and what was said here in Forth Valley. The summary is contained overleaf. This supplement also contains details of the core values which you identified, and what we are doing to support each other at work and provide better care for our patients.

NHS Forth Valley also played a major role in the pilot of the new national iMatter Staff Experience Framework which saw a large number of staff involved in the design, testing and evaluation of a survey to measure levels of staff engagement and experience in the workplace. For this we would also like to say thank you.

We will keep you updated on all that is happening so watch out for more information in the Summer edition of Staff News, or keep yourself informed by checking out the Everyone Matters website section on the Staff Intranet.

Our promise:

  1. We will respond to the needs of people we care for, adapt to new improved ways of working, and work seamlessly with colleagues and partner orginisations.
  2. We will continue to modernise the way we work and embrace technology. We will do this in a way which lives up to our core values.
  3. Together we will create a great place to work and deliver high quality healthcare services wich are amongst the best in the world.

What you said…..

Last summer, more than a third of you (34%) completed a staff survey, well above the national average of 28%.Whilst many of the comments were positive, some areas were highlighted for improvement.

It was gratifying to learn that 86% of those who responded were happy to go the ‘extra mile’ at work when required, and 83% agreed they are clear about their duties and responsibilities. 77% of staff acknowledged they get help and support from colleagues and 74% confirmed they still intended to be working within Forth Valley in 12 months time.

However only 21% of staff who completed the survey thought they were consulted about change at work, and just 24% believed there were enough staff to do the job properly. Two thirds of responders felt unable to meet all the conflicting demands on their time and 11% reported experiencing bullying and harassment with 67% of these saying they hadn’t reported incidents for a number of reasons.

What we are doing now…

This was the first time responses were collated on a Unit basis so each area is now able to identify and address their own priorities with support from HR and Partnership colleagues.

The formal launch of NHS Forth Valley ‘Values’ and the new ‘Dignity and Respect Policy’ will help address concerns about bullying and harassment.

Staff will continue to be updated on actions taken as a result of the findings and the outcome of the survey will also inform our local Staff Governance Action Plan