Everyone Matters – Our Values


Remember receiving a little card asking you to identify your key values at work? The six most popular were being person centred, respectful, acting with integrity, ambitious, supportive and a committed team member. Now these core findings have been highlighted in a colourful leaflet which is being distributed to every member of staff.

The booklet also touches on the behaviours and conduct which you didn’t want to see. Examples include ignoring concerns raised by others, using intimidating or aggressive behaviour, talking to people in a disrespectful or derogatory manner, and blaming others when things go wrong.

To help ensure everyone feels supported and confident these values will now be embedded in recruitment processes, relevant policies and procedures, induction, the learning, education and training programme, leadership and management competencies, the KSF personal development plan system and the new staff recognition scheme.

It’s important for us all to demonstrate our values in the way we work, the way we treat each other and the way we identify and deal with behaviours that don’t live up to our expectations. By doing this we can develop a culture where we can hold each other to account to consistently behave in a way that reflects the values and the things which matter most to staff, patients and visitors.

The leaflet campaign is being supported by a series of posters to raise awareness of each of the values.
There will be a toolkit available soon for Managers to allow you to work with your team around how staff can use these values and behaviours to make their workplace feel like a good place to work.

The refreshed Dignity and Respect at Work policy has also been launched and there will be development opportunities to support you to create a culture that promotes staff wellbeing.