Shaping Services for the Future


NHS Forth Valley’s healthcare strategy sets out our strategic plans and priorities to develop and improve health services across Forth Valley.  As our current strategy is due to be renewed in 2014, work is now underway to develop a new healthcare strategy which will set out our plans for future.

To help inform this, there are plans to carry out a detailed review of clinical services across the organisation. This will identify what we need to do to meet the changing needs of our local population, keep pace with future demand and deliver the Scottish Government’s 2020 vision for healthcare.

The review, which will be called the Clinical Services Review or CSR for short, will start in early October 2014. It will be taken forward in a number of individual workstreams and will also consider the work underway to integrate local health and social care services across Forth Valley. The exact details and scope of each workstream are currently being discussed with key staff but are expected to cover a number of areas including cancer services, care for older people and end of life care, mental health and learning disabilities, emergency and out-of-hours care, planned care, long term conditions, services for women and children and infrastructure.

Each workstream will be led by a senior clinician and manager who will be supported by a wider review steering group and support team. Staff, patients, voluntary organisations and other key stakeholders will also have the opportunity to contribute to this important review and will be kept updated as work progresses. Look out for more information on the CSR in Staff Brief, the Staff Intranet and future issues of Staff News.