It’s Time for a Wee Chat About Organ Donation


Do you know how your family feels about organ donation?  Do they know your wishes?  If not, it’s time for a wee chat.

Just saying the seven words ‘I’d like to be an organ donor’ could save up to seven lives

41 per cent of Scots have already made their wishes known by joining the NHS Organ Donor Register, but it’s vital you tell your family to ensure your wishes are carried out should anything happen to you.

Making the positive decision to be an organ donor and sharing that decision with your family can help save lives.

In Scotland, around 550 people are currently waiting for a transplant that will give them a second chance at life and three people in the UK die every day waiting on a transplant.

It only takes a couple of minutes to have a chat with your loved ones.  Make time for it today.

To find out more about organ donation and to join the NHS Organ Donor Register, visit