- What is iMatter?
Designed by staff across NHSScotland, this online system is designed to help individuals, teams and Health Boards understand and improve staff experience It will be launched in NHS Forth Valley during March 2015 and will support the local delivery of the Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision.
- What is staff experience?
This is a term used to describe the extent to which employees feel motivated, supported and cared for at work and is reflected in levels of engagement, motivation and productivity.
- As a member of staff, what do I need to do?
You will be asked to complete a short online or paper questionnaire which will ask about your experience of working for NHSScotland, in your own team and in NHS Forth Valley.
- As a manager, what do I need to do?
You will be asked to attend an awareness raising session and a managers’ support/development workshop to ensure that you understand your role in encouraging your team to participate. You will also be introduced to the tool and subsequent team report which is to be shared with all of your team members and following whole team discussion, a Staff Experience Action Plan will be developed. A schedule of events, which will be advertised on the staff intranet, to support the roll out plan.
- What are the benefits?
There are benefits for everyone – staff members will have the chance to feedback and influence change and improvement in the workplace, evidence shows that patients and their families benefit from improved experience when staff are engaged and motivated and Boards will be able to assess the culture of their organisation.
- Where can I find out more information?
Check out the Everyone Matters page: http://staffnet.fv.scot.nhs.uk/index.php/a-z/everyone-matters/