It’s all systems go in NHS Forth Valley for teams in the first cohort of the iMatter roll out. Staff within Corporate Services and Human Resources will be asked to provide feedback, using an online tool or paper questionnaire, on their experience in the workplace. There will be 29 questions to complete, which are broken down into 3 areas: About Me, My Manager, My Team/Organisation. This should take no more than ten minutes to complete.
As long as a minimum of 60% of team members have completed their confidential questionnaire, a Team Report will be generated and shared with the team, who will be asked to agree and take forward areas for improvement over the following 12 months. This work will focus on continuously improving the experience of all staff when they come to work.
In each cohort of the roll-out there will be a Staff Awareness Session for all staff and a Managers’ Orientation Session will also be provided. Details of these sessions will be communicated to the relevant teams in each cohort and full details of this project can be found on the iMatters section of the Staff intranet.