Update on Clinical Services Review


At the end of last year we launched a major review of health services across Forth Valley to help develop a new healthcare strategy for the next five years. We established eight clinical workstreams which are now working hard to review the wide range of clinical services we currently provide and are looking at ways we could improve these services in the future.

As part of this work we have been asking staff, patients, and the general public what they think about existing health services and how they would like to see them developed in the future as we work to deliver the Scottish Government’s 2020 Vision for Health and Social Care.

Hundreds of patients and staff have completed an online survey, attended a public meeting or returned a short leaflet questionnaire which was widely distributed across the organisation. Thanks to everyone who took the time to share their views, ideas and suggestions.

All the feedback will now be carefully considered and used to help identify key themes, priorities and recommendations.

These will then be combined with the recommendations from the clinical workstreams to help us to develop a draft healthcare strategy which will be subject to further consultation and engagement.