Getting It Right for Patients


How to achieve the best care possible for patients was the theme of a two day event attended by more than 100 staff and representatives from patient groups. Professor Craig White, Divisional Clinical Lead in the Scottish Government’s Quality Unit, urged his audience to stop seeing the patient and start seeing the person, and to listen to what service users have to say.

Delegates were asked to write down two commitments to person-centred care that they would implement in 2015. These included encouraging family members to be involved in goal setting, providing  increased opportunities for patients to be regularly walking in the ward and treating the patient holistically, not just the illness and the symptoms.

Organiser Arlian Mallis, the NHS Forth Valley Person-Centred Health and Care Programme Co-ordinator, said the event had been very well received with the general consensus that this type of programme will help us all lead longer, healthier and fulfilling lives.