A new protocol and guide has been launched by NHS Forth Valley on how to respond to hate incidents which it is hoped will encourage staff to come forward and report them, whether they are a victim, witness or third person.
Hate incidents and crimes can occur when a person is targeted because they are seen to be different. This could be because of a disability, their race, religion or belief, their sexual orientation or their transgender identity. It can involve verbal abuse, damage to property and/or physical violence.
Lynn Waddell, NHS Forth Valley’s Equality and Gender Based Violence Manager said: “Hate crimes and incidents hurt and can be confusing and frightening. It‘s an act of victimisation directed towards a person because of who they are or are seen to be.
“However, by reporting them through existing channels you may be able to prevent these incidents from happening to someone else. All reported incidents will be fully investigated so you can get the support and service you deserve.”
For more information see the hate incident protocol in the area wide policies section of the staff intranet https://nhsforthvalley.com/__documents/ig/policies_areawide_hrfiles/hate_incident_protocol.pdf