Evelyn Goes On Camera


One of our Health Visitors, Evelyn McCubbin, who works at the Meeks Road Surgery in Falkirk, has been asked to take part in a short film for the Alcohol Focus Scotland website. Evelyn has been at Meeks Road for the past seven years following a nine-year stint in Grangemouth, and has been nursing for 26 years.

One of the Health Visitor roles is supporting families with issues with alcohol and identifying what sort of help they need. Evelyn explained that once clients recognise they have a problem, and are motivated to try to do something about it, she is able to refer them (in confidence) to an agency best suited to their needs.  It may be that Health Visiting support is enough to help parents, but she explained:  “Alcohol can be so destructive, and part of our role is to try and get the best outcome for the parent and child, and help their wellbeing.”