Sparkling Result For Renal Unit


Around £4,000 was raised for the Renal Unit at Forth Valley Royal Hospital, thanks to an event at Stirling Rugby Club, organised by eight staff nurses.  Around 250 people  attended  the Sparkling Afternoon Tea and were treated to a range of entertainment which included live music and a DJ. Tickets were designed and printed by the daughter of Staff Nurse Lynn McDonald.

One of the organisers, Kirstin Mackie, said the event helped celebrate the Renal Unit’s 20th anniversary and many current and former patients, relatives and staff, including Unit Clinical Manager Jane Rodriguez, were present to show their support. As well as raising funds, using prizes donated by local businesses, the event was also an opportunity to highlight the importance of organ donation.

Almost 100 patients visit the Renal Unit three times a week for dialysis, some of whom are waiting for a kidney transplant.

Pictured: Just some of the team from the Renal Unit who helped raise this amazing amount of money