New GP Practice For Plean


A new GP practice has opened in Plean, the first time that the village has had its own health centre and not been a satellite clinic of another Practice. With a patient list of just under 3,000 patients, the new Tor Medical Group is a welcome addition to the local community

Dr Stuart Cumming, Associate Medical Director, Primary Care, said: “The ability to re-register patients from Bannockburn and a number of surrounding GP Practices with the new Tor Medical Group will help free up capacity and improve sustainability across the wider Stirling area.“

The two GP partners, Dr Scott Henderson and Dr Ronnie Sydney, who have worked together in the past, say the new Practice has taken 18 months of detailed planning.

Dr Henderson commented: “We are excited to be setting up something fresh. We knew there was a need in the Stirling area for more GPs and we are also aware that there are plans for multiple housing in the area which will increase demand for local health services.”

Dr Sydney added: “It will be nice for people to come into our bright and modern interior where they will receive 2lst century healthcare. Even before we opened lots of people were chapping at our doors to ask about our plans.”

Pictured (back) are: GP Dr Scott Henderson, Advanced Nurse Practitioner Yvonne Johnston,  Practice Manager Jackie Laird (front) GP Dr Ronnie Sydney and Business Manager Claire McEwan (at reception).