Sheila Steps Down as RVS Manager


Sheila Pheely, who managed the RVS café at Stirling Community Hospital, recently stepped down from her role as Volunteer Manager after 25 years’ service but will continue to work as a local volunteer.

Here Morag Farquhar from the Facilities & Infrastructure Directorate, pays tribute to Sheila and her team of volunteers.

As well as running the cafe, Sheila would also provide catering for meetings which was always really nicely done and nothing was too much trouble for her – sourcing the food and drink to be provided and setting out the tables. People always wondered how she managed to do it all.

In the past, the cafe operated in quite cramped conditions, within the former Queen Elizabeth Wing and when it moved over to the previous former shop area, Sheila was heavily involved in the discussions that led to the new cafe and kept the service going before it was relocated.

Sheila has led the team of volunteers in Stirling for some time and her and their work has always been much appreciated. It is testament to their efforts that a sizable donation was given by the Friends of the Hospital to assist the Health Board in developing the new café. Sheila and her team of volunteers were also 1st Runners Up in the Volunteer category in the 2015 NHS Forth Valley Staff awards.

Local staff also appreciated the money donated by the RVS for the former Community Hospital gardens at the inpatient wards and the pleasure gained by patients, visitors and staff from the refurbished and planted out areas, made possible by Sheila and her team.

On a more personal note, whilst undoubtedly a formidable character, I have always found Sheila a pleasure to deal with and been astounded by her drive and work ethic. Plus, anything that you did for her was always rewarded by her appreciation (and the odd free coffee, despite protestation!).