Dr Kalman Says Goodbye


As he hangs up his stethoscope, Dr Chris Kalman, Consultant Occupational Physician, was keen to post a short goodbye message.

Seven and a half years ago he gave up his role as Director of Occupational Health and Safety at NHS Lothian to reduce his hours and take up a purely clinical role as Consultant Occupational Physician for NHS Forth Valley.

He explains: “I never intended to stay this long, but as I approach my 70th birthday I made the decision to retire. During my time here it has been my privilege to have seen a wide range of staff referred to Occupational Health services.

I hope that I have been able to assist managers with advice about these client’s health, but most importantly I hope my input has been useful to at least some of you that have attended the clinics. I would like to say goodbye and to wish you all the best.”