Sarah Hughes-Jones, Head of Information Governance


What made you apply for this job?

There was no reason not to! It’s a great new challenge, right up my alley. Before joining NHS Forth Valley, I worked at the City of Edinburgh Council and, prior to that, Police Scotland. In joining the NHS, I now have the ‘hat-trick’ of public sector experiences in Scotland! I know I have lots to learn, but I am really looking forward to bringing my experience of other sectors to (hopefully) help grease the wheels of good information sharing practices and efficient multi-agency working which is so important these days.

Tell us a little about your background?

I grew up in the south of England and started my Information Governance career working as a Records Assistant for the drinks company Diageo in London. It was a great introduction to working life, and the product allowance wasn’t half bad either! After a few years, I was offered a year’s secondment to conduct a records survey of Diageo’s sites in Scotland. That meant visiting as many of their distilleries as I could – a hard job but someone had to do it! I really liked living in Edinburgh, so decided to stay rather than move back to London. I joined the then Lothian and Borders Police and learnt the delights of data protection and Freedom of Information. I then become the Information Compliance Manager at the City of Edinburgh Council spreading the good word of data protection before, during, and after the introduction of the of new Genera Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). It was a role I flourished in, but it is time to evangelise somewhere new.

On a personal level, my surname provides a hefty hint that I married a Welshman. We have two boys born in Scotland which means, as a family, we have a 50% chance of winning in Six Nations!

What do you see as your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge is going to be getting everyone as excited about Information Governance as I am! I want to make our processes as easy and accessible as possible, so Information Governance is seen as an enabler, not a blocker. We’re here to help you do your job, and ensure that NHS Forth Valley collects, uses, and protects information in a lawful and accountable way. If Information Governance was a weather symbol, I know most people would consider it a big black cloud! I get that completing a Data Protection Impact Assessment is right up there with a Self-Assessment Tax Return in terms of jobs people look forward to doing and feel confident in undertaking. My vision is to bring ‘colour to compliance’ which is why I have Rainbow Brite as my icon on O365.

Best book you have ever read and why?

This is such an unfair question! How can I possibly just choose one? For a roller-coaster of character and emotion: A Prayer for Owen Meaney by John Irving and It’s about Bloody Time Period by Emma Barnett to generate discussion on a topic that should be talked about more. But my favourite book has to be No Matter What by Debi Gliori. I have read it innumerable times to my children – it’s beautiful.

Which person or character would you most like to meet and what would you discuss?

My family are BIG Star Wars fans which means I’m required to watch the films a lot. I would like to meet Anakin Skywalker in his teenage years and tell him to “turn his frown upside down” because he’s painful to watch in Revenge of the Sith.

Most treasured memory – and worst memory?

My mum developed early onset Alzheimers when I was a teenager, so I treasure the ability to remember above any specific memory. Mostly I treasure fun times with my family in whichever form that takes. A worst memory would be Friday night dinner, growing up. It was always Spaghetti Bolognese – my dad’s favourite. The only problem was it didn’t include any tomatoes! We ate boiled mince on pasta, every Friday, and it was disgusting!!

 What would you tell your 16 year old self?

Don’t put off getting braces!

Long holiday anywhere in the world – where would you choose and why?

I would go to Australia because my brother moved there years ago and we need to visit him. We were planning to visit in 2020 but Covid got in the way.

Signature dish?

I subscribe to Mary Poppins’ philosophy that ‘a spoonful of sugar goes a long, long way’ and will often bribe people to attend Information Governance training sessions with cake. However, my signature dish would be scones: plain, fruit or cheese, I do them all.

Sporty or couch potato?

I’m a couch potato who still likes to think they are sporty!

Favourite tipple?


Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?

Ten years is far too far ahead. I tend to have two-year plans – in which time I hope to have built some really strong relationships in NHS Forth Valley, and to have persuaded at least some of you that Information Governance is not as bad as you think!