Update from Ethnic Diversity Network

Update from Ethnic Diversity Network
L-R - Linda McGovern; Adewale-Samuel Akinosun; Sapna Maheshwari; Ross McGuffie; Kevin Reith; Terence Savaridas and Rachel Tardito 

Members of our Ethnic Diversity Network’s Executive Committee were delighted to have the opportunity to spend the afternoon with our new Chief Executive, Ross McGuffie.  Ross was joined by Director of People, Kevin Reith and Associate HR Director, Linda McGovern.  Dr Sapna Maheshwari, Network Chair, was joined by Adewale-Samuel Akinosun (Vice-Chair), Terence Savaridas, Turab Syed, Prakash Shankar and Rachel Tardito from the Equality, Inclusion and Wellbeing Service.

The afternoon focussed on providing an overview of the fantastic work of the Network so far, their current challenges and their vision for the next 12 months.   Discussion took place on ideas to improve experiences in the workplace and create a culture of inclusion.  There was a real sense of commitment in the room to grow the network with the support of senior leaders and allies across the organisation.  The Network aims to support a number of key priorities include the development of an anti-racism plan, new equality objectives and ongoing development of our Culture Change and Compassionate Leadership Programme.

The Network plans to arrange a further session to provide an update to members, senior leaders and the wider organisation so look out for details of how to get involved.  Like all our staff networks, membership is open to all, whether you identify as a member of the ethnic minority community or wish to show support as an ally.  If you are interested in joining, please email FV.menetwork@nhs.scot to be added to the mailing list and MS Teams Channel.