A Forth Valley First!


NHS Forth Valley is the first health board in Scotland to introduce a new computer based learning module for all staff which addresses the big issues of climate change, energy efficiency and fuel poverty.

This module will help staff to understand what they can do to reduce energy costs in the home and at work. They can also pass on energy advice to patients. Energy Efficiency in the Home has been developed by Home Energy Scotland with support from the Scottish Government.

Dr Graham Foster, Director of Public Health and Strategic Planning, said: “I recommend this module to all staff as it provides the information you need to start saving cash and make improvements to your own lives and those of local patients. Ensuring everyone has a warm home, that is affordable to heat, is crucial to preventing illness and this module helps achieve this.”

A number of staff have already completed the module, commenting that they found the information and energy saving tips useful, that the module is very easy to follow, and that they would be very likely to recommend this module to a colleague.

The Energy Efficiency in the Home learnPro module can be accessed via the training and events section of the staff intranet and takes around 25 minutes to complete.


For more information contact David Cairns, Public Health Practitioner david.cairns@nhs.net or Allan Sandilands, Energy & Sustainability Manager allan.sandilands@nhs.net