A Quality Collaboration


The Quality Improvement Team has been working closely with staff in our Acute and Clinical Assessment Units to help improve the experience of local patients and staff.

They are undertaking the following 12 Quality Improvement (QI) projects to help improve patients and staff experience within both Units.

  • Improving the discharge and transfer processes – to help reduce complaints, improve communication and reduce the amount of time staff spend arranging discharges and transfers.
  • Pyjama Paralysis – encourage patients to spend more time dressed in their own clothes and less time in their PJs to promote greater independence and decrease the length of their hospital stay.
  • STAY Conversations – looking at ways to help retain staff within the Units by identifying what matters to them and any potential improvements to help improve their time at work.
  • Implementation of Preceptorship Framework within AAU/CAU
  • Development of workbooks for staff -sharing information and knowledge of specific medical conditions or frequently seen diagnosis – improving our knowledge bank!
  • Triage processes – improving skills to help identify and meet the needs of individual patients
  • Reducing the number of falls
  • Tissue viability
  • Deteriorating patient – increasing awareness of how to identify and address the early signs that a patient may be becoming more unwell
  • Reducing medication administration errors
  • Chest drains – improving knowledge on how to care for patients with these types of drains
  • DKA Protocol (Diabetic Ketoacidosis) – Improve knowledge and skills and ensure safe practice

The QI team are providing focused support and advice for each project, working closely with local service leads and teams. This includes one-to-one sessions with improvement advisors and twice weekly QI clinics to provide advice and support as part of ongoing work to support a culture of quality improvement in the workplace.

The QI team would love to hear from other teams and departments interesting in taking forward changes and improvements and if you are interested or would like to find out more get in touch at fv.fvquality@nhs.scot