BMJ Hopefuls


Two teams in NHS Forth Valley have been shortlisted for this year’s BMJ Awards.

A team led by Professor Malcolm Macleod, Professor of Neurology and Translational Neuroscience, has been selected in the Neurology Team category and the Scottish Centre for Simulation and Clinical Human Factors, which is based at Forth Valley Royal Hospital, has been selected as a finalist in the Education Team category.

Professor Macleod’s nomination is for a referral system for neurology input, known as the Neurology Liaison Service. It includes a dedicated email address for referrals, automatic alerts sent to the Smartphone of a neurology consultant and a lunchtime review of the Combined Assessment and Acute Admissions Units to identify patients not yet referred.

The team believe they were the first to set up this kind of service which has resulted in 95% of patients being seen by a neurology consultant within 24 hours of referral, compared with a national target of 80%. Patients are also spending less time in hospital and it is estimated that the reduction in bed stays at the regional neurology centre in Edinburgh has also resulted in considerable savings.

The Emergency Medicine Team who provide training at the Clinical Simulation Centre have been shortlisted for the Educational Team award. The Team comprises simulation technicians and administration staff as well as the medical and nursing faculty and is led by the two Educational Co-ordinators for Emergency Medicine – Dr Laura McGregor (Consultant in Emergency Medicine at Monklands Hospital) and Dr Roger Alcock (Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Paediatric Emergency Medicine at NHS Forth Valley). They have worked together with a wide range of colleagues to design and deliver new courses for Emergency Medicine Teams.

The winners of the BMJ Awards will be announced on 5th May 2016.