Board Members Bow Out


Two non-executive members of the NHS Forth Valley Board have stepped down after eight years in office.

Vice Chairman, Dr Vicki Nash, is pictured receiving flowers from Charitable Arts and Wellbeing Co-ordinator Babs McCool, following her final meeting as chair of the Arts Strategy Group. Dr Nash also chaired the Performance and Resources Committee, and has undertaken a range of Board roles with great skill, commitment and tact.

Also leaving is Brendan Clark, who most recently chaired the Staff Governance Committee, and offered significant support in driving the staff governance and workforce agenda forward. Brendan has been an extremely willing Board member engaging across the range of Board business.

Brendan Clark
Brendan Clark

Chairman Alex Linkston thanked both for the excellent contribution they had made to NHS Forth Valley and said that their input will be missed.

As of 1st May 2014 Jim King will takeover as Vice Chairman and John Ford will be appointed as a new member of the Board.