Research Trial Successes


Huge congratulations to Research Nurse Karen Petrie and the whole research team for exceeding our local recruitment target for an important UK-wide research trial looking at new treatment options for early breast cancer.

Optima Success Photo Karen
Karen Petrie

Forth Valley Royal Hospital surpassed the original target of 15 participants and successfully recruited 60 people to the OPTIMA (Optimal Personalised Treatment of early breast cancer using Multiparameter Analysis) trial.

This important research trial for people with hormone sensitive early breast cancer aims to improve the way decisions are made about who is offered chemotherapy following surgery.

Karen’s contribution was also highlighted by the central trial team in London for consenting the 4000th participant to this UK-wide study.

Thanks are due to the Jemma McGarrell and the entire radiology department for collaborating on an important new research project which aims to improve the assessment and treatment of patients with brain injuries or disease.

They worked closely with primary investigator Dr Nik Arestis and research staff Laura McGenily and Angela Gilmour on the MIDI study (MR Imaging Abnormality Deep Learning Identification) which aims to distinguish normal versus abnormal head MRI scans using AI techniques. This will be used to develop a computer program that will identify abnormalities on MRI scans of the brain.

Not only did the team reach their recruitment target goal of 200 patients but achieved this a month ahead of schedule.

For more information on OPTIMA study click here and for more information on the MIDI study click here.

For more information on clinical research in NHS Forth Valley see the research section of the NHS Forth Valley website.

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