Care For Older People Praised


The way staff look after older people at Forth Valley Royal Hospital has been praised in a recent report by NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland. It follows an inspection earlier this year.

Senior Inspector Ian Smith said the team had observed warm, caring and meaningful interaction between staff and patients. Care was carried out in a way that maintained dignity and was compassionate and respectful. They also noted good leadership provided by our senior nurses and a culture of putting patients at the centre of care.
Independent feedback from patients about the care and help they received while in hospital was also very positive
Work is already underway to address the report’s recommendations. These include work to ensure patients coming into hospital for a planned procedure are routinely screened for cognitive impairment, and changes to the ward environment to make them more suitable for people with dementia.The recommendations are expected to be completed within the next few months

To find out more and read the report visit: Healthcare Improvement Scotland