Caroline Bruce – Advanced Nurse Practitioner, District Nursing Team


What inspired you to become a nurse and how did you get to be in the role you are in now?

I originally started in post as a Clinical Support Worker (CSW) on a care of the elderly ward. From this experience I decided I wanted to progress to become a registered nurse. Following graduation I have been supported by both team leader and clinical nurse managers to develop in my role and this includes completing District Nurse SPQ at Masters level, V300 prescribing, Advanced clinical Examination and Clinical Decision Making modules, all of which are required for the role of a District Nurse ANP (DN ANP).

Tell us a bit about your role and the work of the wider Community Nursing Team?

The DN ANP role was developed following the Scottish Government’s Transforming Roles Paper 3 (Scottish Govt 2019), with NHS Forth Valley employing the first DN ANPs into post November 2022.

The aim of the service is to support District Nurse Teams across the Forth Valley area, providing a high standard of evidence based care to meet the needs of local housebound population. We have been meeting with the teams to raise the profile of this new service, providing clinical assessments of housebound patients and providing advice and support.

Our team work at an advanced level providing patient centred care which includes history taking, assessment, diagnosis, investigation and treatment with referral to wider MDT/Acute as necessary. Nearing the end of our first year in practice our team have performed full assessments for over 79 patients across Clackmannan, Stirling & Falkirk.

Describe a typical day at work?

Our service works from 8.30 -4.30 pm Monday to Friday, our role is variable as this depends on referrals, we each have our own geographical bases, and we link in with all our team daily via MS teams. We offer education sessions every few months, we gather data also to take this service forward.

What do you find most interesting about your job?

The variety of what can happen in a day.

What are your best and worst qualities?

I ask a lot of questions.

What would you say to someone considering or starting a nursing career?

Find an area of nursing you love and you will never feel like you’re coming to work.

Possessions you treasure the most?

My 2 year old cocker spaniel, Harper.

Best piece of advice you have ever been given?

There’s always someone you can ask.

Tell us something about you most people won’t know?

I have a terrible fear of cats.

What’s on your bucket list – personally and professionally?

To visit Canada at Christmas and travel 1st class.

Go on a cruise.