
Heading for HEPMA

A new electronic prescription chart which is replacing Kardex is to be piloted in mental health and children’s ward in early 2016. The system,...

Getting It Right for Every Child

Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) is a Scottish Government-led approach that aims to; Improve outcomes for all children and young people Ensure professionals work...

A Big Welcome to Our First Modern Apprentices

NHS Forth Valley is committed to providing employment and training opportunities for young people. Following a successful recruitment campaign for our Business & Administration...

Silver Service

NHS Forth Valley has retained its Healthy Working Lives Silver status. The award scheme helps employers create a safer, healthier and more motivated workforce. The...

Best Ever Result

The number of NHS Forth Valley staff who completed the 2015 NHS Scotland Staff Survey was the best ever, with a response rate of...

Winter Zone

Winter is one of the busiest times of year for the NHS and, over the last few months, staff across Forth Valley have been...

Treats Galore

Looking forward to numerous treats in future, including visiting her sister in Greece and a trip to Mexico, Dental Opthalmic Contracts Officer Margaret Thomson...

Jann Heads to Fife

Jann Gardner, Head of EPQi (Efficiency, Productivity, Quality and Innovation), recently left to take up a new post with NHS Fife as their Director of...

Hairy Moments

Visitors to Forth Valley Royal Hospital may have noticed male members of the Emergency Department staff sporting more whiskers and facial hair than usual,...

Making a World of Diffrence

Staff who work in the NHS Forth Valley Women and Children’s Directorate, together with colleagues and friends,  have helped make a world  of difference...

Brisbane Family Raise over £9,000 for Strathcarron

A local family with close links to NHS Forth Valley has helped raise more than £9000 for Strathcarron Hospice. The Brisbane family has set themselves...

Win one of 20 Overnight Stays at the Gleneagles Hotel (Closed)

As a thank you to NHS staff, Gleneagles Hotel has again kindly provided 20 gift vouchers entitling two people to bed and breakfast at...

Record Amount Raised for Children in Need

A number of events and fundraising activities took place at Forth Valley Royal Hospital and other sites to help raise money for Children in...