
New Scheme Hailed A Success

A scheme devised by NHS Forth Valley health promotion staff to raise the confidence and self esteem of pupils in Forth Valley has proved...

Reflecting on Events in the Workplace

Values-based reflective practice, or VBRP as it is known, is a safe, non-judgemental method of reflecting on events in the workplace.  The aim is...

A Colourful Run

On a very hot Sunday morning, members of the Operational HR Team donned their running shoes to take part in the 2014 Colour Me...

Sing While You Work

Hot on the heels of the formation of a choir in the Women and Children’s Unit at Forth Valley Royal Hospital comes news of...

Living With Cancer

Today many people live with cancer and the effects of their treatment for years. Now the eHealth ‘Cancer Treatment Summary’ project will enable significant...

Information on the Move

The use of iPads by NHS Forth Valley staff is reaping benefits in spades. The latest news is that the Reliable Rescue Team are going...

One Stop Shop

Log in once, and get access to patient information from a variety of sources. Clinical Portal is a new system which allows clinical users...

Are You Keeping Pace?

Are you keeping pace with the modern evolving Health Record Services department? Although the paper case note is still maintained, for efficiency and patient safety,...

MiDIS for Minis

Clinical records of more than 26,000 patients seen by members of the allied health professions (AHPs) including physiotherapists, radiographers, and dietitians, have now been...

Your Guide to eHealth

We are all aware of the term ehealth – but how many of us know exactly what it means and how ehealth solutions are...

Brisbane Family Raise over £9,000 for Strathcarron

A local family with close links to NHS Forth Valley has helped raise more than £9000 for Strathcarron Hospice. The Brisbane family has set themselves...

Win one of 20 Overnight Stays at the Gleneagles Hotel (Closed)

As a thank you to NHS staff, Gleneagles Hotel has again kindly provided 20 gift vouchers entitling two people to bed and breakfast at...

Record Amount Raised for Children in Need

A number of events and fundraising activities took place at Forth Valley Royal Hospital and other sites to help raise money for Children in...