
Midwives Provide a Winning Service

Congratulations to the maternity team at Forth Valley Royal Hospital who were awarded the Mothercare 'Maternity Service of the Year' at the prestigious Royal...

Paddling for Gold

If you can’t beat them, join them. An old adage perhaps, but one which proved to be particularly fortuitous for Emergency Consultant Mrs Ursula...

Clean Sweep for Forth Valley Royal

A sparkling performance by cleaning staff at Forth Valley Royal Hospital has resulted in a top award for Serco, in partnership with NHS Forth...

Boost for Dementia Day Room

A dementia ward at Forth Valley Royal Hospital is £433 richer, thanks to a fundraising and information session in the hospital foyer to celebrate...

Stairway to Heaven!

After a hard fought game, a team of NHS Forth Valley staff lost on penalties in the final of the Casualty Cup, an annual...

Spot Lung Cancer Early

NHS Forth Valley’s Employee Director Tom Hart recently took part in the national launch of the Scottish Government campaign to raise awareness of the...

Giving Birth to Creativity

The wraps are off! Prototypes for art work on the walls of the 16 labour suites at Forth Valley Royal Hospital have just arrived...

One Stop Service for Frail Elderly

One of the last duties undertaken by Public Health Director Dr Anne Maree Wallace, before she retired, was to sign a Memorandum of Understanding...

New Life-saving Scans Introduced

Sonographers have begun a new male screening programme which could save lives. Heather McLeod is pictured at Stirling Community Hospital with Clifford Deans from...

Pioneering Work Leads to Safer Deliveries

The work of one of our staff, Sister Midwife Debbie Forbes, has led to improved safety for women and their unborn babies. Debbie, who...

Brisbane Family Raise over £9,000 for Strathcarron

A local family with close links to NHS Forth Valley has helped raise more than £9000 for Strathcarron Hospice. The Brisbane family has set themselves...

Win one of 20 Overnight Stays at the Gleneagles Hotel (Closed)

As a thank you to NHS staff, Gleneagles Hotel has again kindly provided 20 gift vouchers entitling two people to bed and breakfast at...

Record Amount Raised for Children in Need

A number of events and fundraising activities took place at Forth Valley Royal Hospital and other sites to help raise money for Children in...