Praise for Approach to Treating Hepatitis C
NHS Forth Valley’s Viral Hepatitis Team recently received international recognition at the 2024 INHSU conference for Outstanding Contribution to Models of Care and Programmes...
Oncology Team Thanked
Alan Reid presented the Oncology Unit with a cheque for £300 from the retiral collection of his late wife Christine's funeral to thank staff...
Moving Tribute at Big Tea Party
More than 100 supporters and staff from community groups and charities joined local staff at a moving Remembrance Day ceremony which was held as...
Visit our Winter Zone for health information & advice
This year’s Winter Zone has gone live on the NHS Forth Valley website with essential information for staff and their families to ensure they...
Supporting Violence & Aggression Training across Scotland
NHS Forth Valley played host to Violence & Aggression (V&A) advisors from across Scotland at a recent CPD event held at Stirling Health and...
Update on Safer Together Collaborative
The Safer Together Collaborative was officially launched on 22 August 2024 by NHS Forth Valley, Clacks and Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership, Falkirk...
Runner Michelle Coles smashes fundraising goals
When Michelle Coles, an Advanced Critical Care Practitioners in ICU at FVRH, made a New Year’s resolution to undertake a fitness challenge in 2024,...
Meet our New Clinical Director for R&D
The Clinical Research Department is pleased to confirm the appointment of Dr Euan Cameron, Consultant Respiratory Physician, as our new Clinical Director for Research...
Discharge without Delay simulated learning day
Nursing and AHP staff, Health and Social Care staff and acute managers came together at Forth Valley College in October to learn more about...
Vaccinations Nurses Complete Channel Challenge to Raise Money for Colleague
Two local nurses from our vaccination team have swum the equivalent of the English Channel to raise funds to help a colleague who suffered...