Consultants Take On New Appraisal Role

Two NHS Forth Valley consultants – Fiona McIlveney, an anaesthetist, and Ben Murray, who works in orthopaedics, have recently taken on a new challenge, as joint leads for the medical appraisal system for NHS Forth Valley’s 300 secondary care doctors. The pair say they’re excited about their new challenge, and are appealing for any colleagues who wish to become ‘appraisers’ to get in touch with them.

The appraisal system is part of the GMC revalidation requirements and every trained doctor has to participate to maintain their licence to practice. Both Fiona and Ben see their new role as exciting.

“I think we are both enthusiastic about it” explained Fiona. “Any appraisal is appraisee led. Doctors decide what supporting evidence they wish to share which demonstrates their fitness to practice. The GMC has set specific guidance which looks at the scope of your daily work and development needs.

“I think the appraisal is an opportunity for doctors to spend a few hours out every year thinking about their role and where they want to go in future, no one need fear an appraisal, it’s just demonstrating a way of making sure that your practice is safe and effective.”

Anyone interested in becoming an appraiser should contact Ben or Fiona direct at and

Ideally it will be at least ten years since you completed your primary medical qualification, appraisers should also have an open and inquisitive mind and want to support and engage with colleagues throughout the organisation.