Crash Trolley Improvements


The Resuscitation Service has recently undertaken an update of crash trolleys across NHS Forth Valley. Improvements include a new documentation folder, contents list and equipment layout, with the removal of items that are no longer suitable for use. New items have been added, where needed, alongside greater provision of paediatric resuscitation equipment.

The introduction of tamper-evident seals means that expiry dates of consumables can now be checked monthly rather than on a daily basis. It is estimated this will release more than 8,000 hours of clinical staff time to focus on patient care. Daily checks will continue to ensure that the defribillator, oxygen and suction unit are ready for use.

Dave Williams, Lead Resuscitation Officer, said: “The whole update aims to improve patient safety by ensuring more reliable daily and monthly checks, whilst addressing the variations that existed before. I also hope that the changes help free up time for staff to attend their practical resuscitation training.

“New laryngoscope sets have been provided that do not need unwrapping to check the battery and light, ensuring they remain clean and ready for use. Intraosseous drivers are now widely available and space has been dedicated for emergency drugs.”

Removing excessive numbers of items means vital resuscitation equipment is easy to locate when needed. As some consumables are only available in bulk quantities, departments can obtain individual items from the Resuscitation Service directly, saving money and reducing waste.

The addition of tamper-evident seals should also remove any temptation to remove items from the crash trolley that are available from clinical treatment rooms for non-emergency tasks such as routine venepuncture or cannulation. Seals must only be broken in the event of a clinical emergency or for the full monthly check, to ensure that the crash trolley is always ready for use.

Dave explained that the improvements have been in the planning phase for several years with the roll-out starting in January 2020.

“The whole project was expected to be completed by the start of May 2020, but was delayed due to the current pandemic. It will be completed shortly with help from our administrator Louise McCulloch and new Resuscitation Officer Jacqueline Tracey who recently joined NHS Forth Valley.”

The team are also grateful for the support and assistance provided by Kim Anderson from Supplies, Bryan Hynd and Robert Hitchen from Medical Physics along with Sarah Marshall and Jayne Povey from Pharmacy.