Dr Selwyn Recognised for RECOVERY Trial


Dr Jey Selwyn has been praised for his contribution to the RECOVERY trial – an international clinical project which aims to identify treatments which may be beneficial to people hospitalised with pneumonia caused by Covid-19, flu and other infections.

Dr Selwyn kindly volunteered to take up the post as Principal Investigator in Forth Valley in 2022. He recruited over 30 participants to the study, making time to do this on top of his busy schedule as a consultant physician. Always cheery, friendly and on the lookout for potential participants –his time and support was very much appreciated by the clinical research team.

The RECOVERY trial study remains open in Forth Valley, supported by our new Principal Investigator, Dr Euan Cameron, with help from Dr Nick Simpson and pharmacy colleagues.

If you’d like to know more about RECOVERY or other research, please contact the research team fv.clinicalresearchteam@nhs.scot or speak to us if you see the team around the hospital with their pink lanyards.