Draft Strategic Plans for Health and Social Care Services


Wide ranging consultations on how health and social care services should be delivered locally in Forth Valley are now underway.  Draft Strategic Plans – one covering Clackmannanshire and Stirling and the other covering the Falkirk area – have been published by the two new Health and Social Care Partnerships.

These consultations aim to give local staff, service users, community groups and voluntary organisations an opportunity to provide feedback on key plans and priorities.

Final versions of the Strategic Plans will be published by April 2016 and will be implemented over the following three years.

Strategic Plan consultation - Clacks and StirlingInformation on how you can access and comment on both draft plans is available on the NHS Forth Valley website www.nhsforthvalley.com/integration. The consultation on the Clackmannanshire and Stirling draft Strategic Plan will run until 24th December 2015 and the consultation on the Falkirk draft Strategic Plan will run until 31st December 2015.

New Chief Officer Appointed for Partnership

A new Chief Officer has been appointed to take forward the development of the new Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership – a joint partnership between NHS Forth Valley and Falkirk Council.

Patricia Cassidy, who was previously Corporate Director for Education, Communities and Organisational Development for Inverclyde Council, has extensive experience of working within both the health and local authority sectors. She has also worked in a number of national roles with sportsscotland, the Scottish Consumer Council and the Health Education Board for Scotland.

Patricia Cassidy, who took up her new role on 14th December 2015, said: “I am delighted to have been appointed to the post of Chief Officer for the new Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership and look forward to building on the joint work already underway to improve the health and wellbeing of local people across the Falkirk area.”