Electronic Patient Records Update


The move towards working with an Electronic Patient Record programme continues to gain momentum. More than 160 staff attended the last update event in June 2013 and another lunchtime drop-in session has been arranged for Wednesday December 18th 2013 in the Lecture Theatre at Forth Valley Royal Hospital where there will be a lot of progress to report.

  • Online Test Requesting and Reporting System (Order Comms) – The Order Comms pilot is about to start and once the pilot has proven successful the rollout will happen very quickly.  It will begin life as a test requesting system but there will later be an opportunity to track results and ensure appropriate actions have been taken.
  • Following a successful pilot, Clinical Portal will soon be available in Outpatients giving clinical staff access to a single online view of key patient information from core systems plus improved access to PACS.
  • Four GP practices are taking part in a pilot using Electronic Document Transfer (EDT). Discharge letters from the Emergency Department and Minor Injuries are being sent electronically and reaching the practices within 24 hours, rather than a week or more for printed copies. The aim is to ‘switch the paper off’ in January 2014 when all practices are scheduled to have EDT installed. National bowel screening results will also be delivered by this speedier system.
  • Single Patient Administration System

Significant progress is being made to move from three systems to one Patient Administration System (TOPAS). The Helix Inpatient system will migrate to Topas Inpatients in early 2014, followed by the decommissioning of the PIMs community system.

  • Other strands of work underway include the piloting of new eForms with the Orthopaedic Fracture Clinic and the development of apps for Early Warning Scores and the Immediate Discharge Letter.

Jonathan Procter, IM&T Director/E-Health Lead, said: “A lot of progress has been made in the last year and I am extremely grateful to everyone involved in taking this important work forward.”

Dr Henry Robb, Associate Medical Director and Clinical Lead for the EPR Programme said:  “When Clinical Portal and Order Comms are available, the programme will start gathering momentum and clinical staff will have a real opportunity to shape how they will work in the future.”

For further information visit http://staffnet.fv.scot.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/130928-Flash-Report-EPR-Final.pdf

Or contact Mary Cameron, EPR Programme Manager mary.cameron@nhs.net

To reserve a place at the EPR Update event on 18 Dec 2013 email the eHealth Admin Team FV-UHB.ehpoadmin@nhs.net