Looking After Staff….
For the past two years we have been focussing on the priorities for staff and making sure we support wellbeing across the organisation. We have sought feedback on what is going well and where we need to improve, and, as a result, the group has developed an EEI Framework. We will continue to seek your views and if you want to keep up to date you can check out the Everyone Matters section on the Staff Intranet
Recognising Our People
You told us staff needed to feel valued so we are developing a values-based Staff Recognition Scheme. This will allow staff to be recognised for their contributions and achievements. There will be individual, team and group awards and anyone can be nominated. Further details will be circulated as soon as plans are finalised.
KSF/eKSF Review
You told us you don’t always have an Annual Review and Personal Development Plan so we are looking at how we can improve this and what we need to do to support you. It is about making sure you have dedicated time with your reviewer to look at achievements and agree a development plan for the next year. We are currently seeking views from people about how to make this process better.
Staff Engagement Events
You told us you wanted to be more informed so over the year we plan to organise a series of events on the key issues and topics which emerge.we hope you will become involved in some or all of these events and in taking forward the actions agreed. Detailed session dates will be announced in the online Staff Brief and on the Staff Intranet.