Everyone Matters – You Said We Listened


The results of the 2014 Staff Survey have been analysed and actions to address some of the key issues raised have been agreed in Partnership with staff representatives.

You Said:                                                     

66% of respondents would like more to be done to support young people to get work experience or come to work in NHS Forth Valley.

We Listened:

We will work with the National Modern Apprentice Network to commence a National Apprentice programme. Our first Modern Apprentice will start working with us in July 2015 with more opportunities to follow.

You Said:

75% of respondents would like more to be done to support the changing needs of our mature workers in NHS Forth Valley.

We Listened

A workshop will be held on multi-generational workforce to support the mature worker and harness the skills and experience to pass on to younger members of staff.

You Said:

28% of respondents felt they are always consulted about changes at work.

We Listened:

We will make sure staff are consulted about changes and managers will liaise with local representatives at every appropriate stage of redesign. In addition, there will be enhanced communication with staff.

You Said:

5% of respondents have experienced unfair discrimination from their manager in the last 12 months.

We Listened:

We will ensure NHS Forth Valley’s Values and Behaviours are embedded in leadership and management competencies and in all recruitment processes, policies and procedures.

You Said:

27% of respondents felt that they could meet all the conflicting demands of their time.

We Listened:

We will annually review Internal Workforce Plans which are linked with Service Plans to ensure the organisation has the right people, in the right place at the right time.  The Clinical Services Review will also be used to develop a new Healthcare Strategy for NHS Forth Valley which will cover all services.