Farewell to our Longest Serving Anaesthetist


Colleagues bid a fond farewell to our longest serving Consultant Anaesthetist, Dr Colin Lang, who recently retired having worked in Forth Valley for more than 30 years.

Dr Lang started working in the former Stirling Royal Infirmary and Clackmannan County Hospitals as a Junior House Officer in 1986 before moving to work in the former Falkirk and District Royal Infirmary as a Senior House Officer (SHO) in A&E. After time away, he returning to NHS Forth Valley in 1990 to work as an SHO in paediatrics at Stirling Royal Infirmary. He then worked as an SHO in anaesthetics for several years, before moving to Edinburgh to work as registrar. Finally, he returned to NHS Forth Valley as a Consultant Anaesthetist in 1999, initially at Stirling Royal Infirmary and then Forth Valley Royal Hospital.

Ewan Jack, Consultant Anaesthetist ad Clinical Lead for Theatres, said: “Colin has been a total stalwart across theatres, critical care and pre-operative assessment for more years than most of us can count.

“He also had a huge influence in the wider hospital being college tutor, chair of the Resus Committee and involved in the outline business plan for Forth Valley Royal Hospital.”