Forth Valley Pharmacists Are Cream of the Crop


The prescribing efficiency team from NHS Forth Valley snapped up a top award when almost 400 pharmacists, industry members and their respective guests attended the 12th annual Scottish Pharmacy Awards. The team, who were joint winners in the Innovations in Prescribing, Quality and Efficiency category, had devised more efficient ways of prescribing at several GP practices.

The awards, which are hosted by Medical Communications Ltd, the publishers of Scottish Pharmacy Review, provide an opportunity to not only showcase the great work that’s currently being done in the  pharmaceutical industry across Scotland, but also gives hospital and community pharmacists the opportunity to share best practice.

Pictured are:  (left to right) Associate Medical Director/GP Dr Stuart Cumming, Jill Nowell, NHS Forth Valley Lead Pharmacist for Medicines Utilisation & Pharmaceutical Public Health,  joint winner Joan Macleod, Aberdeen CHP and Alex Hutt,  Napp Pharmaceuticals, the award sponsors.