Get Fit About Fit – The New Bowel Screening Test In Scotland


Bite size learning sessions are now being offered free to GP clusters or individual practices, following the introduction of the new bowel screening test in Scotland. The Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) is much easier for patients to use and is more effective than the previous stool tests. It requires just a single sample and results will be analysed by a machine rather than manually.

Pilot studies in Ayrshire and Arran and Tayside resulted in uptake increasing by around 5% and showed greatest increases among men and those in more deprived groups.

The workshops are being offered through the Cancer Research UK Facilitator Programme and will last between 20 and 30 minutes. They can be held in-house at a time to suit and are available for clinical and non-clinical staff. Follow up support is available.

Topics covered include understanding the FIT test, key messages for patients, reducing barriers to participation, the bowel screening pathway and practice resources.

To arrange a session please contact