Getting It Right for Every Child


Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) is a Scottish Government-led approach that aims to;

  • Improve outcomes for all children and young people
  • Ensure professionals work together to make sure children and young people get the help they need, when they need it.

The well-being of all children and young people will be considered. This includes ensuring each person is:

  • Safe
  • Healthy
  • Achieving
  • Nurtured = SHANARRI  Wellbeing Indicators
  • Active
  • Respected
  • Responsible
  • Included

What is a Named Person?

Every child and young person will have a Named Person. The Named Person will be one point of contact that children and families can go to for advice and support if they need it. Access to a Named Person is an entitlement for children and young people from 0 – 18 years, or beyond if still in school and is expected to be available nationally from 31 August 2016.

What will a Named Person do?

The Named Person will be available to listen, advise and help a child or young person and their family, provide direct support or help them access other services.

Who is the Named Person?

For children 0-5 years, this will be the Health Visitor. Once the child starts school this will be the Head Teacher of the school or someone else nominated by the Head Teacher.

Most children and young people will have their needs met by family and friends, and the universal services of health and education.

Public bodies must provide the Named Person service and a Named Person has a duty to respond to a worry about a child or young person’s wellbeing, but there is no requirement for families to take up the offer of help.  The existing responsibility of the police or social services to act in cases where a child is at risk of significant harm remains unchanged.

What if extra help is needed?

  • An assessment will be undertaken to identify the child, young person and family’s needs and This will include the views of the parents or carers, the child or young person, the Named Person and any other relevant professionals.
  • A Team Around the Child (TAC) meeting may take place and will include relevant family members and professionals.
  • Together a child and young person’s Action Plan will be developed detailing the help that is needed and who will be involved. There will be clear Outcomes identified within the Child’s Plan.
  • Someone will take on the role of the Lead Professional who will ensure that everyone works towards the outcomes of the Action Plan.
  • Information sharing – information should not be passed on about you and your child to another agency without informed consent. (The exception to this would be relating to a Child Protection matter).
  • What is a Lead Professional?

When two or more agencies are working together to support a child /young person, a Lead Professional will co-ordinate that support.

Draft guidance

Following consultation, a final draft of the statutory guidance was recently published. This will be subject to further minor revision and the final guidance in due to published in Spring 2016.

The draft guidance supports the GIRFEC provisions in the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act and is a result of joint working between the Scottish Government and a range of organisations across children’s and adult services. The new law and draft guidance formalise what is already happening in many areas to ensure a consistent approach to how services support children’s and young people’s wellbeing wherever they live. It ensures services operate effectively and that all children should have the same opportunities to have help and support available to them when they need it.

Further information

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