NHS Forth Valley’s Speech and Language Therapists supported the ‘Giving Voice’ campaign earlier this year by holding two all-day events – one at Forth Valley Royal Hospital and one at Clackmannanshire Community Healthcare Centre.
The ‘Giving Voice’ campaign aims to ensure the needs of patients, carers and families are met, while highlighting that communication difficulty can lead to poor educational achievement, which can ultimately prevent people lifting themselves out of poverty.
The events were designed to showcase the positive impact Speech and Language Therapy Services can have, not only to people who have communication difficulties, but to their families and wider society.
What our service users say:
“I would like to say a big thank you to NHS Forth Valley’s Speech and Language Therapists for all the help they gave to my son and me, he speaks so much better now. I’m now happy to send my son to school.”
“The NHS Forth Valley Speech and Language Therapists were very good, professional and informative. They were also very supportive and willing to take the time to assess and give advice. I am surprised at how much impact it has had on people’s health and wellbeing.”
“If my son had not had the input of a local Speech and Language Therapist I do not believe he would have made the progress he has made. He is a confident and social little boy who is constantly questioning everything around him. Whilst we never doubted his abilities or intellectual capacity we were concerned that he would not be understood at school and that he would be unhappy when he could not engage fully with his peers and in classroom discussions. Thanks to Speech and Language Therapists this never happened. They helped provide my son with the speech that most people take for granted, but that he had to work really hard to master and acquire these skills.”