Goodbye EKSF – Hello TURAS

For some time now you have asked for a much simpler way to record your Personal Development Planning and Reviews. As a result, a replacement for e-KSF known as TURAS APPRAISAL is being launched throughout NHS Scotland from April 1st 2018.

What is Turas?

Turas (Gaelic for ‘Journey’) is a single digital platform developed by NHS Education for Scotland (NES). This is already being used by some staff to access ePortfolio and the QI Hub for example, and this platform is now being developed to host the replacement for e-KSF with input from all Boards across NHS Scotland. Turas is a more intuitive system to use and you will find this easy to navigate.

What happens to the information in e-KSF?

The existing information will be moved to Turas Appraisal and you will be able to access this on a read only basis so you will be unable to make any changes. Thereafter, any NHS Scotland staff data will be deleted from e-KSF.

Will I need training?

As this is a very simple system it is likely that you will not need any training at all once you know how to log-on.

Do I still need to have a meeting with my Reviewer?

Yes, but the good news is that this too will be a much simpler process. It will be based on a ‘quality conversation’ between a Reviewee and their Reviewer taking place and agreeing any Personal Development needs. A record of the conversation and PDP activity will go in to Turas Appraisal.

Where can I find out more about Turas Appraisal?

Check out the pages on StaffNet which will be updated regularly with more information, or contact the following:

Anne Benton 01324 567384

Laura Hotchkies 01324 567970

Morag McLaren 01324 567384
