Hairy Moments


Visitors to Forth Valley Royal Hospital may have noticed male members of the Emergency Department staff sporting more whiskers and facial hair than usual, but it was all in a good cause. The men abandoned their razors over the month of November to grow some impressive moustaches as part of the annual ‘Movember’ campaign, to raise money and awareness for key issues in men’s health including prostate and testicular Cancer, physical inactivity and mental health.

Dr Fraser Waterson, team captain of NHS Forth Valley’s Trauma ‘Tache Team’ said: “There was a great team spirit among the staff in the department to rally together and raise awareness for important issues in men’s health. Men often find talking about health issues difficult and the campaign aims to raise awareness as well as money to fund research and engagement. We raised nearly £1,000 through support from family, friends and colleagues and the patients seemed impressed with our efforts in moustache-growing over the month!”

The moustached group of doctors, nurses and volunteers from the Emergency Department are pictured here on the last day of the campaign.