Heading for HEPMA


A new electronic prescription chart which is replacing Kardex is to be piloted in mental health and children’s ward in early 2016. The system, known as HEPMA (Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration), will remove any problems with deciphering handwriting and also ensure that information can be easily accessed and updated by all relevant staff. It also makes it easier and quicker to order medicines by removing the need for duplicate paperwork and reducing the number of steps in the ordering process.

One of the initial steps has been the changeover of the Pharmacy Stock Control System in Forth Valley Royal Hospital. This was successfully brought into place on time in September 2015 and the Pharmacy Department has been working with the new system and processes to ensure the continued supply of medicines to hospitals across NHS Forth Valley. Thanks to all the wards and departments who supported this important change.

Numerous strands of work are now ongoing to prepare the HEPMA system for implementation in the pilot ward areas and the project team are being trained by the system supplier. Training resources are also being developed for the clinical and nursing teams who will use the new electronic system.

The pilot will ensure that HEPMA safely interfaces with other systems and processes in the hospital and will test and develop the training and support provided in advance of HEPMA going live across all inpatient wards. The roll-out phases and timescales are under discussion at the Project Board and more information will follow as this is agreed.

A new intranet page has been created to provide information and updates on the project as it progresses. It can be accessed under H in the A-Z services section.

This is an exciting but challenging development for NHS Forth Valley and will bring patient safety benefits from the outset. For more information please visit the page or email the HEPMA Project Team (FV-UHB.HePMAProjectTeam@nhs.net).