Young adults with learning disabilities are being helped to explore relationship issues, thanks to the work of our health promotion staff and Central Sexual Health. Led by Senior Health Promotion Officer Pamela Vannan, Community Sexual Health Educator Joanne Barrie and INTER-ACT Education Worker Mary Scott Watson, the team have produced a series of easy-to read Photostories which look at issues including friendships, intimate and sexual relationships.
Pamela Vannan explained:” We want to help young people with learning disabilities to gain greater understanding about meeting and making friends, starting a romantic relationship, dealing with conflict, saying yes or saying no, sexual orientation, dealing with the end of a relationship and safer sex and contraception.”
Four photostories have been produced, each following four separate couples:
- Anna and Bob meet, get to know each other, and then make a joint decision to go to the sexual health clinic before they have sex
- Callum and Denise become boyfriend and girlfriend but Callum is very possessive and controlling.
- Eric and Fraser are gay. They meet at college and start going out together. They are disappointed by the reactions of friends when they tell them about their relationship.
- Gina and Harry meet online. Gina is surprised when they meet. Harry is not what she expected him to be.
The Photostories are available as a web download or in paper form. They can be used with groups or on an individual basis and guidance notes have been written for educators or carers/support workers.
You can find the resource and guidance notes on the Central Sexual Health Website