HEPMA Goes Live


JAC is the new Hospital electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (HePMA) system, which is replacing paper in inpatient services across NHS Forth Valley. HePMA is now live in Wards 2 and 3 in the Mental Health Unit at Forth Valley Royal Hospital and will be rolled out in the Children’s Ward in April 2016.

HePMA will remove any problems with deciphering handwriting and also ensures that information can be easily accessed and updated by all relevant staff. It also makes it easier and quicker to order medicines by removing the need for duplicate paperwork and reducing the number of steps in the ordering process.

The early wards using HePMA will make sure it safely interfaces with other systems and processes in the hospital and will develop the training and support provided in advance of HePMA going live across all inpatient wards.

Training resources, including LearnPro packages, have been developed for the clinical teams who will use the new electronic system and staff in Mental Health have recently undergone training to help prepare for the new system.

Ross Cheape, Senior Charge Nurse, Ward 2, Forth Valley Royal Hospital, said: “This is a very important new development which will transform the way we issue and record medication.

“We are very pleased to be one of the very first wards to use the new system and we look forward to testing HePMA and sharing our learning with colleagues across NHS Forth Valley.”

For more information visit the HePMA intranet page which can be accessed under H in the A-Z services section or email the HePMA Project Team (FV-UHB.HePMAProjectTeam@nhs.net).