HePMA – the new electronic prescribing system – has now moved to community hospitals. Stirling and Falkirk Community Hospitals are now live, which enables information on patient medicines to be easily shared between acute and community settings.
Maternity wards went live at the end of March 2017 and the system will be introduced in the Neonatal Ward at the beginning of May 2017 – completing the implementation across all inpatient areas in Forth Valley Royal Hospital.
During May 2017, the HePMA team will also be working with community mental health centres and complete Bo’ness and Clackmannanshire Community Hospitals by mid June 2017.
HePMA will deliver many benefits as it removes any issues with deciphering handwriting, a problem with the former paper-based Kardex system, and ensures that information can be easily accessed and updated by all relevant staff. It also makes it easier and quicker to order medicines by removing the need for duplicate paperwork and reduces the number of steps in the ordering process.
Training opportunities will continue to be available for new and existing staff. For more information visit the HePMA intranet page (which can be accessed under H in the A-Z section of the Staff Intranet or email the HePMA Project Team at (FV-UHB.HePMAProjectTeam@nhs.net).
Staff engagement throughout the roll out has been excellent and the HePMA team would like to pass on their thanks to all the staff involved.