iMatter Who’s Who

Your feedback from iMatter was that visible and consistent leadership is important to local staff. Many of you felt that senior managers responsible for the wider organisation were not always visible so we have decided to put names into the frame to help you know who’s who and to let you know how they are supporting iMatter.

Cathie Cowan

Chief Executive

“I championed iMatter during my time with NHS Orkney. As Chief Executive having an understanding of the things that matter to our staff is invaluable. I am truly passionate about this work. The benefits to patient care of having an engaged and happy workforce are evidence-based and I will continue to support and lead this work as I did in NHS Orkney.”

Mr Andrew Murray

Medical Director

iMatter is a great tool to help me understand how engaged my team feel. If they’re engaged and feel valued they’ll do great things and that’s the NHS Forth Valley I want to work in.”

Dr Graham Foster

Director of Public Health and Strategic Planning

“I believe iMatter is a great tool as it gives staff who may not otherwise be willing to speak up, a chance to have their views heard and to influence change. It has helped us as a team as it involves everyone.”

Professor Angela Wallace

Director of Nursing

“I continue to support and value iMatter and see it as fundamental to my ability to understand what matters to my team. We plan together to make changes happen that support how we work together to deliver high quality care for patients and support for our staff.”

Ian Aitken

General Manager, Medical Directorate

“Staff engagement and experience is central to the continued delivery of excellent patient care, more so in today’s fast changing environment than perhaps at any time in the past. Recognising this I believe it is crucially important that staff have the time, space and support to be able to reflect, learn and improve.”

Gillian Morton

General Manager, Women, Children’s & Sexual Health Services Directorate

“I am fully supportive of iMatter as a means of involving all teams within my area in a process of continuous improvement. Not only does this deliver improvements for our patients and service users, but the results also help identify and address any areas which staff feel are important to them. This really does matter because we need to ensure staff remain motivated and engaged and feel valued and recognised for their commitment.”

Kathy O’Neill

General Manager, Community Services Directorate

iMatter feedback has helped the Directorate Management Team focus on the challenges of managing services which are facing lots of changes due to health and social care integration. One priority is that as senior managers we need to be more visible and create opportunities to meet with staff more often. Another is to meet informally as a senior team each week to support each other and share information.