In the Spotlight – Ailsa Bayne


Ailsa Bayne, Staff Nurse, Renal Unit, Forth Valley Royal Hospital

How did you arrive at your present job?

I originally trained to be a nurse at Tayside Health Board and after qualifying, worked at Ninewells hospital in Dundee. Although I lived in Perth at the time, I frequently visited my parents in the Forth Valley area. On a night out in Stirling in 1997 I met my partner and, after a couple of years, we decided to buy a house together.  In 1998, I spotted an article in the press that Forth Valley was planning to set up a Renal Dialysis Unit.  As this was my specialist field and was local to my family, I applied for a position within the new Unit and started working there in 1999.  I have now worked with Forth Valley Health Board for 16 years.  In 2000, my partner and I purchased a house together and were married soon after.

What’s in a day’s work?

The Renal Dialysis Unit is unlike any other outpatient department as we see the same patients on a regular basis.  We therefore have a different nurse/patient relationship to that of other wards.  Patients with renal failure experience major life-changing challenges and the staff within the Unit help guide patients through these changes.  We dialyse through arterial venous fistulas or central venous catheters.  We experience highs and lows with our patients – the highs are when they are called for renal transplants and the lows are when patients reach end of life.

IN THE SPOTLIGHT - Ailsa BayneMusical – or tone deaf?

I would describe myself as musical and have always had music around me. Various members of my family play the piano and I always enjoyed singing at Guides and at church on a Sunday. In 2014, I joined the NHS Forth Valley Nurses Choir and we regularly raise funds for various charities.

Favourite film and why?

Grease!  I went to see this when I was at primary school and loved all the songs and the storyline.  I saved up my pocket money and purchased the cassette tape of the sound track and learned the words off by heart.  I sometimes subject patients and staff in the Unit to the odd Grease lyrics even though they have confiscated the CD!

Next favourites would be Pretty Woman, Mama Mia and any Daniel Craig Bond movie.

Best and worst holiday?

Worst holiday was an all-inclusive break in Malta. The food was disgusting, the hotel was infested with ants and the service was atrocious. The best holiday was when we stayed in Chester for a week in 2013. The weather was glorious and Andy Murray won Wimbledon!

What makes you laugh?

My husband as he’s sharp witted, and going on a girly weekend

Happiest memory?

It has to be my wedding day and having all my family and friends around me.

How would you spend a lottery win?

I would buy my parents a bungalow and enjoy the fruits of life.

If you were to be granted three wishes…..

1) Good health for friends and family.

2) Waking-up next to James Martin TV Chef – apologies to my husband!

3) Peace on earth.