Increasing Capacity At Forth Valley Royal Hospital


Work is moving on apace to deliver a new £17m investment plan designed to increase capacity and reduce waiting times. A new MRI scanner, the second to be purchased for the hospital, has been ordered and is due to be installed in July 2019.  This will deliver around 8,000 additional scans each year.

The number of operations carried out in the existing 14 theatres has increased and there are plans to open the two additional theatres in June and November 2019. Extra staff are being recruited to support this work and the first tranche should be in place in April 2019. The relocation of day medicine to the ground floor has also freed up space to expand the day surgery department.

Work is underway to identify the number of additional inpatient beds required and determine where the new inpatient ward will be located.

Photo caption – Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Jeane Freeman MSP, met staff in the radiology department to discuss plans to increase diagnostic capacity.